Warriors Heart Retreat #8
Photo by Chris Couture Photography.
Operation Song® conducted its eighth retreat on May 15, 2023 with the Veterans and First Responders of Warriors Heart in Bandera, Texas. The mix of Nashville and Texas songwriters were paired with seven participants — Lance LaBonte, Tom McGuire, Jeffrey Clayton, Christian Williams, Anna Goynes, Maggie Cronin, Henry Paeke — who produced amazing songs of courage and determination. Songwriters included Lynn Langham, Doug Gill, Josh Grider, Chad Boyd, Dallas Burrow, Tom McElvain, Dickie Kaiser.
Warriors Heart recently purchased a 500-acre facility in Virginia and would like Operation Song® to conduct retreats at the new location as well. We’re probably a year out from making that happen, but that would add an additional four retreats per year with Warriors Heart. Additional funding for these programs can be covered through our joint fundraiser with Frontline Healing Foundation, formerly Warriors Heart Foundation.
We are in the planning phase of the first event, which will take place on July 29, 2023 in Boerne, Texas. The Goal is to raise $200,000, which will be split between our organizations.
The Warriors Heart Lodge is located at 700 TX-16 S., Bandera, TX 78003. Learn more at https://www.warriorsheart.com.
Songs Produced
“Another Sober Sunrise” by Lance/Dickie
“Bring On Tomorrow” by Tom/Dallas
“Changing My Reflection” by Jeffrey/Josh
“The Songs Save Me” by Christian/Tom
“Letting Go” by Maggie/Lynn
“I Wanna Go Home” by Henry/Doug
“Southern Miss” by Anna/Chad