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Help Us Reach our End of the year Fundraising Goal

Help us Reach our End of the Year Fundraising Goal

All Donations Support Songwriting Sessions for Veterans and Their Families

Why give?

  • Impact

    90.4% of our participants see an immediate positive impact from our songwriting programs.

  • Remembering their stories

    We believe all veterans deserve to share their experiences and sacrifices. There is no better platform for storytelling than through song.

  • Lasting vision

    Our Vision is to tell their story of every veteran, military personnel, and their families and share those songs with every American.

"Our time together has opened a crack in my mind that has never been achieved previously by any other means. I cannot thank you enough."

Joshua Hulsey, Combat Engineer, Iraq

"Operation Song has changed my life, brought back something I had lost 40 years ago."”

Jimmy Ray Sells, Navy Veteran

“"The greatest fear a parent has when losing a child is they will be forgotten. Operation Song has helped prevent this from happening to my much-missed son, Jeffery."

Karen Kennedy, Gold Star Mother


  • For enrollment in the program, please fill out the onboarding form on our home page by clicking the button “Tell Your Story”

  • Please contact us by filling out the contact form on our “Contact” page.

  • No musical ability is required — only willingness to talk to a songwriter!

  • No, you can share whatever you'd like in your writing session. We've had participants use this opportunity to write about love, lessons learned, moving to a city, buying their first home... even marriage proposals! This is YOUR STORY.